The Student support team is a central part of the student support system in a school.
Members of the Student Support Team 2024/2025
Ms. R. Moore |
Principal |
Mr. L. McGill |
Deputy Principal |
Ms. M. McElligott |
Deputy Principal |
Ms. A. McCarthy |
Guidance Counsellor |
Ms. B. Gallagher |
Guidance Counsellor |
Ms. C. O'Dowd |
Year Head to 6th Years |
Ms. M. Neary |
Year Head to 5th Years |
Mr. J. Lyons |
Year Head to Transition Years |
Ms. P. Dowling |
Year Head to 3rd Years |
Ms. N. O' Connell |
Year Head to 2nd Years |
Ms. M. McGrath |
Year Head to 1st Years |
The Student Support Team (SST) meet every week. The SST aims to identify students who may be experiencing emotional, medical, personal and academic difficulties. The SST assist students in overcoming difficulties and ensure students wellbeing.
The SST strives to provide a response to students needs by liaising with teachers and parents, and by inviting outside agencies to cover specific issues in order to support students experiencing challenges.
The SST provides team members with a shared understanding of students’ needs and helps when planning for suitable interventions. What is discussed at SST meetings relating to individual students is confidential to the team. Any follow up required for students is decided upon and assigned to a team member.
We encourage students to reach out to a member of staff and seek help if they have concerns about their own wellbeing or of that of a peer.
Role of SST members:
Senior Management:
Senior Management have a responsibility to ensure that Whole School Guidance is provided to the highest standard. Senior management support all team members in providing support for students.
Year Head
The Year Head has a general responsibility for the welfare of a year group. The Year Head monitors student’s attendance, punctuality, academic performance and behaviour. The Year Head collates information from teachers in relation to particular students or issues. The Year Head liaises with parents/guardians of students in their year group. The Year Head also liaises with outside agencies to ensure the wellbeing of students.
Guidance Counsellor
The Guidance Counsellor provides support or specific interventions to individual students as an outcome of SST meetings. The Guidance Counsellor liaises with outside agencies and is a link for parents/guardians who have concerns about their children.
Whole-school approach to Guidance
The SST is concerned with promoting a whole-school approach to guidance and wellbeing. Guidance at St. Brigid’s Presentation Secondary school is a holistic process, with many individuals working together. When considering the three dimensions of guidance (personal, educational and career) all members of teaching staff are in some way involved in providing guidance to students.
Examples of school whole-school approaches to Guidance at St. Brigid’s Presentation Secondary School include:- Stand Up Awareness Week and Wellbeing Week.
Whole-School Guidance at St. Brigid’s Presentation Secondary School aims to promote the welfare of all students. Students are equipped with the skills required to develop an awareness of their own needs in different classes.
All year groups are timetabled for 15 minutes of wellbeing a week with their class tutor. Aspects of all wellbeing indicators, are covered with students during this time, during the year.
Indicators of Wellbeing:
- Connected
- Aware
- Resilient
- Respected
- Active
- Responsible